I’m pleased to announce that I recently became certified in the Symbis (Saving your marriage before it starts) assessment tool!
Because relationships are what Fosters Life Coaching is all about, I wanted to offer an assessment that has so much accuracy and integrity behind it! It can be used for pre-marriage, as well as during the marriage, to gain quick insight into how we will relate to each other in the many different areas we walk through in our relationships. With that insight, you’ll discover the keys to giving your marriage the strength it needs to sustain you over the years!
If you are thinking about getting married or are already engaged, walk with me through 6-8 sessions, to find out:
Questions you NEED to discuss before making the decision to marry!
How uniquely made you are for marriage. (Individually, and as a couple!)
How to create love and acceptance for your differences.
Tools to plan for your future. (Conflict resolution, how you will raise your kids, what roles you’ll fill, finances, sex, remarriage after divorce, and more…)
If you are married, lets use this tool to get focused down on the specific areas you’d like to improve!
Take the time to invest in this important decision you are making and set yourself up for the strongest relationship you can!!
Set an appointment today to ask more about SYMBIS and what it can do for your future as a married couple! https://fosterslifecoaching.as.me/Pre-Marriage